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Dr Ankur Ahuja

Senior consultant Fortis Hospital MohaliCardiology
Home G176, Multitech towers Sector 91 Mohali Punjab 140307 India Cell Phone: +919779388885
Photo of Dr Ankur Ahuja


Photo of Dr Ankur Ahuja

Dr Ankur Ahuja is a senior Interventional Cardiologist, currently working at Fortis Hospital, Mohali.He completed his DM in cardiology from prestigious King George Medical University, Lucknow in ’07. Thereafter he worked in Escorts Hospital, Delhi.He subsequently joined IVY Hospital, Mohali in 2009 before shifting present hospital in july 2020.

As an Interventional cardiologist, his forte lies in complex coronary interventions (CHIP cases)- bifurcation, left main, chronic total occlusions (CTO), bypass graft and calcific lesions, and is a staunch proponent of primary radial angioplasties for heart attacks. He has a keen interest in peripheral vascular interventions and has done multitude of carotid, renal, mesenteric, renal AV fistula, upper and lower limb angioplasties. He has also done a number of device implantations i.e. permanent pacemakers, AICD (automated intra-cardiac implantable defibrillators) , and biventricular pacemakers (CRT) or cardiac resynchronization therapy devices.


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Batch: 1992